這次在小巨蛋重聚 –- 恭班劉淑完
這次在台北小巨蛋重聚,交談最久的校友竟然不 是恭班也不是樂班的高中同學而是四十五年前的市女中的同學。 我們不曾聯繫但總覺特別有緣,互相擁抱一拍如故,四十五年的情誼一下子呈現到眼前,有說不完的故事道不盡的唏噓,她說已經隱居多年,這次出馬,是給自己的前半生做個交代,檢討自己的生活方式、人際關係、健康狀態和財產現況。這對飽食終日的我是何等的震撼,這種提前策劃人生終點的理論,並非消極或厭世,試想由生機旺盛的四十歲進入五十也不過轉眼之間,現在邁入花甲之前不妨稍停下腳步,也就是說至少是該捨的就捨,如此才能重新起步,心情輕鬆的迎向下半生。 如果說人生的終點是打烊,那麼60歲時來個暫停營業,給自己大清倉也不為過,我們相約在夏威夷見面。
Dear Li-mei, After I shared my photo album with my pal, here is her response "Thanks for sharing. I graduated from中山女高(北二女) but we never had such an enthusiasm about reunion. I envy you to have so many friends from your youth, it's very precious."
Now I realized how fortunate to have a group of hard working to organize this big event for us. It's almost a mission impossible but they did it perfectly. We were so thrilled to appreciate our long-lasting friendship for decades. Million thanks to 總召何美頤 and her team for offering this opportunity to recollect our younger days one more time.
恭班 劉淑完 |
- Jan 31 Tue 2012 14:34